UI Core with design tokens

Streamline your design process and work more efficiently with our UI kit and design tokens

UI Core with design tokens

Streamline your design process and work more efficiently with our UI kit and design tokens

UI Core with design tokens

Streamline your design process and work more efficiently with our UI kit and design tokens

Hero img
Hero img
Hero img

What’s in the kit

What’s in the kit

All essential components with auto layout ready to start a new project.

You have all the components you will need with variants and auto layout in the file.

Essential components
Essential components
Essential components
Quickly changing color
Quickly changing color
Quickly changing color

Design token-powered components accelerate your design workflow.

Say goodbye to manual adjustments of colors and typography for every new project.

Switch between light and dark themes effortlessly with a single click.

With one core UI kit, you can easily create multiple light and dark themes to fit your unique design needs.

Dark mode with just a click
Dark mode with just a click
Dark mode with just a click

Who is it for?

Who is it for?

This UI kit is the ultimate solution for freelancers and agencies who handle multiple projects. With this, you can access essential components and design tokens that make starting new projects effortless, saving you time and effort.

Easily customizable

Easily customizable

Easily customizable


Two sets of scaling typography with 14pt and 16pt as base font.


A wide variety of handpicked color scales, including a range of greyscale colors in the global set for you to choose from.

Spacing and breakpoints

4pt spacing values and breakpoints for mobile, tablet and desktop.

Help and documents

A documentation is included to provide you with a clear understanding of the components and how to use them effectively in your design workflow.

font base
font base
font base



One price for all

One price for all

Figma local file

Figma local file


All components

Design tokens

Global styles

Global styles

Variants & Properties

Interactive Components